Proof of Payment

Hi it has just recently come to our attention that the new digital registration program that the CMRC is using is automatically pro-rating your memberships! This is great if you move to town or just heard about the program because it means you wont pay the full season price, you’ll only pay for the maximum possible number of sessions remaining!

This is bad however, because it makes things a bit more challenging logistically. We ask that if you do not have a membership yet, please purchase one as soon as possible! And if you have been climbing already this season, please bring by a lil cash donation. Our rate works out to $4.25 per session, and our standard “drop in” ask is $8.

Membership dues almost exclusively fund the club’s insurance costs, which are quite high. In the last few years they have risen from $1600/year to over $2600/year. So thanks to everyone for supporting our club! And many thanks to the people who have already registered! 🙂

Once you purchase it, please take a screenshot on your phone or bring in a copy of the receipt so we can mark you off as paid on the sign in sheet.

Visit THIS LINK for instructions on how to register and pay online. You can do it on your phone in the parking lot.

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